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Famous Quotes

"Life is a journey; Heaven is the Destination."

"There's a light at the end of every tunnel; the sun returns after every storm."

"I stand at the threshold of a new year. May God help me to be kind, fair, and wise in all my affairs."

"Before you discover, you must explore."

"It doesn't take great men to do great things, those who are greatly dedicated to doing them."

"If you believe even in that which you cannot see, your reward will be greater than what you can imagine."

"True love pulls through, carries them over, looks beyond. It knows no boundaries and it never runs out."

"The beautiful colors of the rainbow can only be seen through the prism of rain."

"Every time something good happens to you, make something good happen to someone else."

"You are a wise man today if you have learned from yesterday's blunders."

"You are like a snowflake, unique, and exquisitely beautiful in your own way."

"Love looks beyond the exterior of a person and sees inside one's heart."

"The love of God is more constant than any other love you will ever find."

"Great men tell you how to get where you're going; greater men take you there."

"It's how you handle your problems and troubles that counts, not the troubles themselves."

"For the holiday season awakens good cheer, And draws us closer to those we hold dear."

"Friends are those who love you when everyone else deserts you."

"Even if everyone says you don't stand a chance, don't give up on your dreams."

"Love and friendship are gifts most commonly bestowed upon those who forget themselves and reach out to others."

"Celebrate the blessings of God and praise Him for His kindness toward you / thank Him for His gifts of love, joy, faith. and peace."

A warm hug from a loved one is a little bit of Heaven on Earth.

Think positive, encouraging, uplifting thoughts, and the negative will soon disappear.

Say "I Love You" with deeds of kindness and acts of caring.

The resources of Heaven are equal to any problem you'll ever have to face.

Ever wish that your family knew how much they really mean to you and how much you need them?

If you want to be cheerful and happy, act that way and you"ll find soon yourself becoming that way.

Don't get so involved in the race of life that you forget that the course is only a means to an end, rather than the end itself.

You never appreciate your blessings as much as when they're gone.

If you feel like you're struggling on your own, why not reach out for help?

keeping books with your soul at the close of the year is good preparation for starting the next year.

If you feel small and worthless, do something great-help someone in need.

Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal!

Smile. It may be the ray of sunshine that someone needs in an otherwise stormy day.

Give God a chance, and He will make something beautiful of your life.

If something bad happens to you, think of all things that didn't happen. Things could have been worse.

A working man must not forget the art of playing, lest he loses the energy and inspiration needed for his work.

Take time once in a while to watch a sunrise or sunset. See and feel the power and majesty of the great Creator.

Negative of positive - one of these two can make you or break you, depending on what you choose.

Optimism is not the result of blinding oneself to the problem but always believing there is a solution.

A loving soul is a loved soul.

The best way to conquer your enemies is to make them your friends.

There's no one too insignificant for God to love and care for.

If you want to give someone a gift, try giving them your time and attention.

Blessings go to the grateful hearts; they shun those who complain that they never get enough.

Don't worry about tomorrow. Save yourself the trouble; it won't do you any good.


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